Product range
Steketee weeding technology
Pommeq is intensively involved in weeding technology. as an exclusive dealer of Steketee, we are constantly working to improve the existing machines and adapt them to the wishes of our customers. Due to the disappearance of more and more chemical pesticides, we see that more of our customers are turning to weeding equipment.
In recent years, very large innovations have been implemented in these machines, which we would like to tell you more about.
Especially in the early development stages of sugar beets, the risk of yield losses due to early competition from weeds is critical. Therefore sugar beets must be kept weed-free until the rows are closed. A clean field also simplifies the harvesting process. Depending on the previous crop, different weeds occur. Goosefoot, cleavers, orache and knotweed appears regularly. In crop rotations with maize the millet spectrum, amaranth, and gallant soldier develops well; cereal rotations are marked by black grass and volunteer grain.
Find out about our solutions to get a clean field in a mechanical way with our EC-Weeder-range, or by reducing herbicides with our row-spray solutions EC-Spray.
Many vegetables are very sensitive for weed competition. Therefor the field needs to stay nearly weed-free until harvest time. This also avoids complications with machine harvesting, or weed-residues in the harvest. Common weeds are gallant soldier, goosefoot and amaranth, which are all forming many seeds. Other common weeds in vegetables are chickweed, millet- and speedwell- species as well as groundsel, which is not covered by the standard herbicides.
Find out more about the mechanical weeding solutions from our EC-Weeder-range, or about our automatic hoeing manchine IC-Weeder.
IC Light steering control frame
The IC-Light steering system contains three important components: the camera, the terminal including job computer and the parallel side-shift frame. Together they form an accurate automatic control system for your EC-Weeder to give your crop room to grow.
The three components of the IC-Light system allow you to work effortlessly and accurately with your EC-Weeder. The system takes over the control of your hoeing machine between the rows without crop damage.
The frame can be supplied with hooks (cat2) or an accord frame. The frame can also be used to control, for example, a cultivator or rowsprayers
Struik weedfix
Speciaal voor het verwijderen van onkruid is de StruikWeedFix® ontwikkeld. De machine is hydraulisch of mechanisch aangedreven leverbaar en geschikt voor onkruidbestrijding in iedere grondsoort en is zowel in de Front als ook gedragen inzetbaar. De frame units zijn gemonteerd in parallelogram ophanging voor het optimale aftasten van de bodem.
Door het gebruik van gepatenteerde tandhouders, is het mogelijk de tanden zeer nauwkeurig te verstellen van 150mm tot 330mm werkcirkel. Hierdoor kan er zéér dicht bij de plant/gewas gewerkt worden. De grond tussen de regels wordt bewerkt en verplaatst naar het gewas. Door de ontstane rug vorming wordt het onkruid bedekt, waardoor het verstikt zonder het gewas aan te tasten. Tijdens het proces worden de planten beschermd door verstelbare loofbescherming platen. De StruikWeedFix® kan worden ingezet voor o.a. voor: broccoli, bloemkool, spruiten, prei, (suiker)bieten en vele andere gewassen, in rijen of beddenteelt.
Hatzenbichler egge
In meerdre breedtes leverbaar, de tanden druk wordt ingesteld dmv lucht druk.
Klik hier voor pommeq – Hatzenbichler video
Kloppenburg looftrekkers.
Een simpel doch beproefd systeem voor mechanische loofdoding in de aardappelen. Mits uw rugopbouw in orde is bereikt u met deze machine een prima resultaat.
leverbaar als 2 en 4 rij uitvoering.